Odium - The Ghost Upstairs

Run away but don’t pretend you’re innocent
You’ve felt it building for years and done nothing
To circumvent the causes and the affects
Of avoidable imbalances

There were people here who cherished you
Followed you, looked up to you
What is left for us now?

So many things I never got to say
Like that wherever you are
You’re fuckin dead to me!
I helped you abandon your duties
And tried to ease your pain

So go and crawl inside yourself for comfort
Your mind will follow you there
Deny until there is nothing left to live for
Don’t act so goddamn surprised that life isn’t fair

So many things I never got to say
Like that wherever you are
You’re fuckin dead to me!
I helped you abandon your duties
And tried to ease your pain

So rally me to your cause
Then run away and justify it all
Only loyalty will satisfy you
Something you know nothing of

Your lack of dedication
Was my liberation
Imagine where I’d be
If I had made you proud

I used to pity you
Until I felt your disease inside my head

You cry victim
To anyone who will hear
You disgust me
You were on the other side of the world
Before you ever went there